Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Snowy Saturday to Remember

This year's wedding season ended in an unforgettable fashion. One Word, "Blizzard". My contracted jobs had ended November 27th, but to keep my point of view fresh I agreed to second for Carol Masica Dec 19th. The wedding took place at the Navy Academy in Annapolis and the reception was across the bay bridge at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club. Alison & Sean didn't let a little thing like a blizzard stop their wedding and I'm glad for it because the photos were a blast! Check out Carol's Blog to see more http://carolmasica.blogspot.com/2009/12/alison-seans-wedding.html Here are some of mine from the day.

Annapolis Wedding Photography, Naval Academy Annapolis Maryland, Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, Eastern Shore Maryland